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The best known plant species that occur in fresh water swamp vegetation is

Respiratory surfaces generally have the following characteristics with the exception of

Which is the largest of the middle ear ossicles?

Steepness of slope generally affect

The reproduction of cell is controlled by which of the following:

The mechanism of opening and closing the stomata is associated with the

Daughters receives their X-chromosome

S phase in growth curve is known as?

The food substances that are stored in readilness for time of food shortages are

In insects, the structure that performs the same function as the kidney in man is the

Which of the following is not present in RNA?

During the light dependent reaction

One of these organisms is not an Autotroph

One of these statements about sympathetic Nervous system is untrue

The roots hairs are

One of the following are usually worm-like, cylindrical or flattened

Manufactured food in the plants is transported through the

In the mammal, the autonomic system consists of

Which of the followings is not true about finger print?

Homeostasis is defined as

In the evolutionary trend, in which phylum do we begin to see a complete digest tract?

Plants that are adapted to grow in dry land where water content is low are

In a food web, tertiary consumers belong to which trophic level

One of these features is not typical of most animals

One of the groups of organisms below is critical in the entire process of nutrient cycling

Hierarchical organization of living organisms is in one of the following orders:

This tissue is made up of tracheids, vessels, fibres and parenchyma. What is it?

All the following statements are consistent with the concept of trophic structure except

The concept of tropic structure of a community emphasizes

The genetic make-up of an organism is called

All of the following green algae are colonial forms except?

Effect of air pollutant does not include ______

A sudden change in a gene or genes is called

Effectors are Options

Which of the following statements about phylum Cnidaria is correct?

Characteristics of continuous variation include all of the following except

The primary structure responsible for pumping blood for circulation through the mammalian circulatory systems is the

What happens to a man whose pancreas has been surgically removed?

Which of these plants can withstand extreme dryness?

The rhesus factor of blood was first identified in a category of

One of the following is not true

Allele is

Sister chromatids are:

One of the following is usually worm-like, cylindrical or flattened

The presence of extensive amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum in a cell is an indication that the cell in involved in _____

One of these is not a unique feature of meiosis

Principles of heredity can be applied in one of these

The muscle cell fluid of an athlete was tested immediately after a 100m race and was found to contain a high concentration of lactic acid .Explain what could have caused this. The

The theory that new organs or characteristics develop in organisms when there is a need for them was postulated by

Bacteria differ from eukaryotic forms of life in that they:

Which of these animals is not metamerically segmented

The cocoon into which an earthworm lays its egg is produced

Circulation of blood to all parts of the body excepts the lungs is through

Which of the following is NOT a function of the nucleus of a cell?

In saprophytic mode of nutrition

Spear grass has underground structure called

The random way genes recombine during meiosis and fertilization leads to

In a cell, the genes are carried by

Which of these statements about succession is incorrect?

Which of the following factors is not associated with aquatic habitat

The probability of producing an heterozygote progeny in a cross between two heterozygote individuals of pea plant is

Which of the following is used mainly for balancing in fish?

In a food web, tertiary consumers belong to which trophic level

The hereditary factor of the material for inheritance is

Maize is best stored against insect attack

Example of genetic diseases include any of the following except _______

The part of the kidney where each tubule begins is called

One of this is not a continuous variation

The number of cranial nerves that connect the brain to various parts of the body is

Which of the following constitutes the main intemal tissue of leaf?

An ecosystem is composed of all of the following except:

One of the following elements is not associated with leaf chlorosis

The division of nucleus is known as

The order of food passage in the digestive system is

The media of transportation in living things include all but

In plants, the structures that play roles similar to the arteries and veins of animals are the

The factors for two pairs of contrasting characters are inherited independent of each other. This is

Genetically modified food products have not become universally accepted because

The following pair of ions is involved in transmission of impulses by neurons:

Which of these is not a water soluble vitamin?

One of these does not protect the body from harmful effect of disease-causing microorganisms

Two plants with red flowers were back crossed, which of the following results indicates that the plants are heterozygous red flower, where red flowers are dominants?

Ribosomes are found in all living cells. What is their function?

In bony fishes, the swim bladder is used for

The random way genes recombine during me and fertilization leads to

The sterile individuals in the honey bee are known as

The sexual reproductive units produced by mature viduals of sexually reproducing species of organism is called .

The cnidarians use their nematocysts only for _______

Octopus is popularly known as ____ fish

In which biome would you expect to have the shortest growing season?

One of the following organisms exhibits a closed and single circulatory system

Which of these does not have respiratory and circulatory systems

Absorption is maximum in the small intestine because of _______

One of these is not a shape of fingerprints

One of the following is not a excretory structure

The lack of special supportive structures in bryophytes restricts them to one of the following types of growth.

What is the term used to describe the sum total of biotic and abiotic factors in the environment of the organism?

Which of these statements with respect to "individual organism" is most correct?

Coelomates are animals with

Carbohydrates are stored in animal cells as

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