One of the major problems which spelt doom for Nigeria Airways was:

The Civil Service embraces all workers in:

Engineers and architects in the Civil Service fall into the:

The government maintains monopoly over certain services for:

The greatest head-ache affecting revenue generation by NEPA is:

To enhance the independence of the federal public service commission, members should:

All of the following are functions of the civil service except:

Be in the president or governor’s list

If 122y = 17 base10, find the value of y.

Calculate the amount if ₦450 is invested for 1.5 years at 8% interest per annum

Which of the following factors is most important for the rapid increase in world population during the 20th century?

Ministers of local government and chieftancy affairs were abolished in Nigeria by:

The main functions of the administrative class of the Civil Service include:

The public corporation is similar to the joint stock company because:

Which of the following is a merit that is associated only with two party system?

The recruitment or appointment of the permanent secretary is one of the duties of:

One factor which militates against the effective functioning of the Civil Service is:

In the organizational structure of the ministry or government department, offices and positions are:

At what rate will ₦9,360 yield a simple interest of ₦75.50 in 9 months? Express your answers in 2 significant figures.

The idea of making the local government the third tier of government was initiated by:

An institution which seeks to redress people’s grievances against abuse of administrative power is the:

One form of control exercised over public corporations is the requirement that their annual reports be laid before:

Which of the following was introduced by President Ibrahim Babangida's military government?

One of the major reasons for setting up public corporations is to

Most of the reasons given for the establishment of public corporations in Nigeria are being contradicted by the current wave of:

One of the major reasons for setting up public corporations is to:

The name of the O.A.U. was changed to A.U. on the

A public corporation is

The effective operation of the Civil Service in Nigeria is mostly hampered by:

Public Corporations are established to:

The local government reforms of 1976 in Nigeria were designed to:

A simple interest on a loan of ₦1000 is decreased from 5% to 5/2%. What would be the interest for a period of 3 months?

A permanent Civil Service:

(0.25)^x-1 = 16

Which of the following is not a source of local government revenue?

Financial allocation to a local government by the Federal or a State government to supplement the cost of a project is called:

A statutory corporation is under the supervision of:

Sedimentary rocks are easily recognized in the fields because

The greatest headache that affected revenue generation by NEPA was

Which of the following statements both describes a public corporation:

An isosceles triangle of sides, 13, 13 and 10 cm is inscribed in a circle. What is the radius of the circle?

Which of the following countries was member of the Monrovia Bloc?

One of the measures that will enhance the status of the local government as a third tier of government is:

"Red tapism" can be explained as:

If mower 75cm wide cuts 8m of grass in 12 hours, how long will it take one 100cm wide to cut 12m?

Lines of latitude indicate distances from

University of Lagos is situated in

The first person to develop the atomic bomb was:

On which days of the year are night and day the same length?

Factorize x^3 - 2x^2 - 5x + 6

What must be subtracted from x^3 + 2x^2 - 3x + 5 to make it exactly divisible by (x - 2)?

Find the range of values of x for which 3x(x + 5) > 0

Parliamentary statutes constitute in a large measure

Only one of the following is a form of decentralization

To be promoted from one grade level to another, a staff must first:

The first General Secretary of the O.А.U.

The number of goals scored by a school team in 10 handball matches is as follows: 3, 5, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 11, 11, 12. Find the probability that in a match, the school will score at most 8 goals.

Regional self-government was granted to Eastern and Western regions in

Soft wood from coniferous forests are mainly used for raw material for the production of

ATB bank had shares to sell to the general public of 50 kobo at ₦5.50 per share. A man invested a total of ₦132,660. How many shares did he buy?

Public corporations can be controlled through:

The recruitment, promotion and discipline of civil servants in Nigeria is the responsibility of:

Public Corporations in Nigeria are subject to the control of:

The mean of five numbers is 6 and mean deviation is 4. Find the fifth number if mean deviation of the first four numbers is 3.

A cup of beans costs p kobo. How many cups can be bought with q naira?

The relationship between staffs of the civil service in the discharge of their duties is expected to be:

The first local government system adopted in Nigeria by the regional government was:

Which of the following groups fall into the Civil Service?

The centre piece of Nigeria foreign policy has remained

The Administrative Capital of South Africa is

What does bush fallowing mean in agricultural practice?

The local government in Nigeria is created to:

Mass retrenchment of workers in the public and private sectors is most likely to result in:

The political institution of "Council of State" was for the first time created by

Being the third tier of government, the local government is therefore:

One major problem facing public corporations in Nigeria is:

Find the area of the curved surface of a cone whose base radius is 6cm and whose height is 8cm ( = 22/7)

Which of the following is not a political party in Nigeria?

The most important characteristic of a population that enhances rapid economic development is the

If the roots of x^2 - 5x + k = 0 are n and n - 1. Find the value of k.

Haiti is a country in

All of the following are functions of the civil service except

The Bureau of Public Enterprises is charged with the responsibility for:

Anonymity of the Civil Service means that the Civil Servant must:

Before the 1976 local government reforms, one of the defective features of the local governments in Nigeria was that:

Which of the following is a function of the legislature?

Bye-laws made by local authorities can be declared unconstitutional only by the:

The main cause of infrastructure decay in Nigeria is:

Obudu cattle ranch is in

An important factor responsible for the comparative cost of logging in tropical forests is that

Policy analysis, policy implementation and plan setting are some of the functions of:

Ogun state belongs to which geo-political zone in Nigeria?

Which of the following is different from the others?

Which of the following countries is not a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting countries (OPEC)?

The dismissal of a staff in the ministry for official misconduct is the prerogative is:

Which of the following cannot exist without the element of sovereignty?

The general supervision of a public corporation is carried out by the:

The total number of votes scored by the winner of the 2011 Presidential election in Nigeria was

The dismissal of a staff of a ministry for official misconduct is the prerogative of

To which class of the civil service does the casual or manual labour force belong:

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